Avinova - Subventions & crédits d’impôt
Avinova - Subventions & crédits d’impôt

More than 2000 financial incentives available for your business

More than 2000 financial incentives available for your business

More than 2000 financial incentives available for your business

Avinova - Subventions & crédits d’impôt

More than 2000 financial incentives available for your business

More than 2000 financial incentives available for your business

A few case studies
on our client's
success stories

Because our clients satisfaction is top priority

Our mission here at AVINOVA is to assist our clients in collecting the maximum subsidies and tax credits for their business, so they can achieve their goals and realize their projects. Here are a few examples of our satisfied clients, broken down by their field of expertise.

Our latest achievements

If you are managing a business and want to maximize your tax credit returns or you are looking for any kind of subsidy, we have the solution for you. Our mission is to assist every business leader with the search for financial incentives that would help their company reach its full potential.


Software development

Before AVINOVA's assistance

Many businesses operating in the field of information technology were only claiming the SR&ED tax credit. Although very attractive, it is not necessarily the most advantageous situation for companies which mainly focus on the development of software that improves their customers' business processes.

AVINOVA's added value

Thanks to the helpful advice from the AVINOVA team, several companies are now in a position to claim over $400,000 each with the TCEB in Québec, combined with the SR&ED tax credits at the federal level.

In addition, our experts have improved their clients’ returns by claiming various subsidies for hiring and training purposes. Furthermore, AVINOVA has been able to assist these businesses by identifying subsidies that would reduce the cost of business management software  (ERP, CRM, etc.) for their potential buyers.



Before AVINOVA's assistance

A company that specializes in manufacturing intelligent machines for the food industry has many employees, including engineers, welders, and polishers. They were claiming $125,000 in SR&ED credits. The company had a high number of projects to execute, but was not maximizing its returns on the available grants and tax credits. 

AVINOVA's added value

In just one meeting, our AVINOVA experts were able to find a large number of financial incentives the company was entitled to claim.. Our team succeeded in doubling the amounts received for the SR&ED credits ($250,000 annual), and succeeded in identifying their eligibility to the skilled trades tax credit ($100,000 annual).

Moreover, this same client wanted to implement a new ERP system, the AVINOVA process allowed them to claim a subsidy that covers 40% of the project expenses ($50,000) as well as another subsidy that covers 50% of the staff training costs following the ERP integration.

In short, instead of claiming a single financial incentive, our experts were able to maximize the company's projected returns $125 000 and claim over $400,000 in subsidies and tax credits. Hence the importance of trusting professionals to maximize your returns on ALL available incentives.


Video gaming

Before AVINOVA's assistance

A Montreal video game development company had 50 developers and claimed the Multimedia Titles tax credit, which is one of the most interesting in the industry covering up to 37,5% of labor expenses.

AVINOVA's added value

Through research conducted by AVINOVA, our experts identified the company's eligibility for the SR&ED tax credit and paved the way to claim two fiscal years (one amended and one regular) generating over $600,000 for R&D work carried out during the development of their video games.
If AVINOVA had been introduced earlier, the Montreal company could have been claiming the SR&ED credits for at least eight years, which would have been much more beneficial.
On the other hand, AVINOVA identified the company's eligibility for an exportation subsidy program to expand their video games to assist them expand to the European market, thus generating a return of $75,000 per year. 



Before AVINOVA's assistance

Up until recently, a Québec taxi company was assigning its calls to the drivers in a very outdated way. The company was trying to take a digital turn in order to automate its operations and thus remain competitive, however it did not have the budget to invest in such a big project: the total costs related to the digital platform was almost $300,000. 

AVINOVA's added value

Thanks to AVINOVA experts, the Taxi company managed to execute the project for its digital shift with the help of several financial incentives.

Indeed, Avinova succeeded in identifying and claiming a grant governed by the Ministry of Transport which covers 50% of the project cost ($150,000).

Additionally, AVINOVA was able to claim 50% of the workforce training cost ($25,000) on the newly implemented software.